Sunday, December 16, 2007


We've discovered a new family activity that is quite fun on several levels. It's called "Letterboxing" ( and it's a worldwide phenomenon. The skinny is that people hide waterproof boxes and you go find them. Some are hidden in easily accessible locations and others are more difficult. Some post clues on the web and others are entirely word of mouth.

We have a beautiful Letterboxing Log book to journal our entries, maybe we'll post some here too.

Our first attempt was located near our house on a trail that we never knew was there. It was a short hike, less than a mile, to the box. We saw a large buck just as we arrived at the box. It was fun to discover a trail so close to home and it's a great way to get our girls out for a hike since we have a destination and a discovery to make. It really sparks their creative imagination.

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