Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ministry Again?

In my time with God this morning I thought it appropriate to spend time in Galatians since this is "Reformation Sunday".

No longer under the supervision of the law. Gal 3:25

I’m relating this to the supervision of a parent. Growing up in my house I knew that my parents would always provide what I needed. That’s what parents are supposed to do. I was under their supervision and they had to take care of me. Today I am on my own. Not that my parents aren’t available for advice or input, but they don’t live here. I’m the parent now.

There’s a comfort to the law like that of my parents provision for me. It’s safe. It’s predictable. Though I may not have had the freedom I have now I had the security of their covering. Without the law what will rein in my fleshy desires? Without the fear of punishment what prevents me from running wild?

But this morning as I read Galatians again I see that to operate under the law is to bastardize the purpose of the law. The law is supposed to lead me to Christ where I am then justified by faith. So why do I prefer the security of the law to the freedom of Christ? Why do I find myself wishing that God would just tell me what to do?

Currently I feel that God wants me to move off of the balcony and back into some kind of service. We help with IHN at our church and last night we helped a friend lead worship at his church. These are rewarding opportunities. Yet I can’t help but feel that God is calling me to something more. I don’t know what it might be and so far as I pray for God to tell me his answer seems to be “what do you want to do?”

And my response is still “I’m not sure”. I know that I don’t want several nights of the week taken up with meetings.

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Maybe it’s not as difficult as I make it. Maybe what we are doing right now is exactly what we are supposed to do. Perhaps the Spirit doesn’t reveal tomorrow’s plans until tomorrow.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Ministry? (Dave)

Well, it's been three years since we've been in "formal" ministry. We took a year off from church completely and have been attending Holy Cross Lutheran for the past two years. Recently Jen and I have both been feeling like it's time to do more than sit in the balcony.

A friend of mine leads worship for another church and has asked us to help him out tomorrow. We're looking forward to it. Secretly I'm glad it's for a different church because it takes the pressure of diving into some kind of committment away. We can help and we don't have to feel obligated to something week after week. Plus, nobody from our church will know that we've volunteered so we won't have to wrestle with that either.

This feels somewhat selfish to me but frankly I don't care right now.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

From Ed Chinn

I received this email from Ed Chinn today, Ed is one of my mentors whose insights have been used mightily by God in my life.

Friends, here is a story which cuts right to the core of life.

Many of you know the story of Gene Stallings, football coach (now retired and farming). But, this is a story which you may not know (I certainly didn't): his son, Johnny, who was afflicted with Down Syndrome.

This story raises a very real and (I think) intriguing issue: What has our obsession with rights and choice done to the quality of our life? By designing our own lives, have we sealed ourselves off from higher elevations of life which God designs? Is it possible that God uses adversity or heartbreak as portals to far more interesting and rewarding living? Have we settled for a monochrome life when God creates life in the full kaleidoscopic radiance of His color palette?
NOTE to you my editors and publishing friends...any of you interested in something on this theme (and perhaps this story...I'd love to go interview him)?

I thank Zan Kriegel for passing this on to me.

Ed Chinn

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Jags Won

I forgot to mention in my last entry that the Jaguars came and showed the Broncs what's up on Sunday. This was a big win for them since they even their record at 3-3 and have a bye this week and the rest of their schedule is not as difficult as the first 6 games. Already they've played 4 division leaders. They aren't out of the woods but I certainly like their chances after last week's showing.

My Sweet Kid!

My daughter Noelle is so kind and caring. We had a date night this week and her sister Megan was feeling a little left out. (Of course Megan just got to go to the Jaguars/Broncos game with me so there really was no call for that.) On the way to get ice cream at Josh and John's Noelle was debating where to go for fun and games. She really wanted to go to "Itz" but debated it because, "Megan really likes Itz so we should wait to go there until she can go too."

I told her that this was her night and she should go where she wanted. Without too much wait she decided that Itz was the place.

We had a great time talking and coloring at Josh and John's and then went over to Itz (a pizza and games place). She led me all around the place since she had been there before at a friend's birthday party. Her favorite part was riding the race cars. They slowly move down a straightaway and then whip around the corner like lightning. I have to admit it was fun. But mostly it was fun watching the smile on her face and hearing the screams of delight.

We went from game to game winning tickets for about an hour and then went to the "store" to trade them for toys. Noelle spent some time choosing something and then even more time trying to decide what to get for her sisters. She only had enough tickets for some of the smaller toys but she was thinking about others just the same. I helped her with the math and she was finally satisfied that she had chosen just the right toys and colors for Megan and Riesa.

When we got home she excitedly showed her mom all that she got and told her about our night. What a wonderful week I had.

You know, business wasn't great this week but I got to spend 6 or so hours with Megan going to the Jags game on Sunday and then a few hours with Noelle too. How can anyone complain about that?