Friday, November 7, 2008

Pleasing To God

1 Timothy 2:1-3

Paul starts with a "therefore" that goes back to the previous chapter where the real battle is not against rulers in the world but against false doctrines. And these doctrines being taught by teachers who "don't know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm." So even the false teachers are not the "enemy" it's the wrong teachings. Paul writes to Timothy with the purpose of uniting the church in love, correcting the false doctrines and urging the church to live in peace.

Today my prayer is for Barack Obama, that God might grant him wisdom to lead through these very difficult times. My prayer is that God will direct his steps away from foolish ideas and away from foolish advisors. I pray that he will be surrounded not only by men and women who uphold righteousness but also by the Holy Spirit. And I pray for our country to continue to be used by God as an agent of justice in the world. More than that, I pray that we will see a new day of peace soon.

Lord may President Obama be tough when the situation calls for it. May he be decisive when necessary. And make him humble and merciful when it is possible.


Anonymous said...

This story of Issac is disturbing I agree. I think the tone of this story may be for us to realize the true nature of sacrifice and what God lost for 3 days...communion with his Son. I think it also beacons the question about God doing something that seemed to violate his own 10 commandments. I think it speaks more to walking with God as more about hearing his voice than simply following the rules. Sometimes God may ask us to do things that seem crazy and even opposite from what we expect. I know this sounds dicey but this is the diference between how a Pharisee walks with God and how a barbarian would follow God's requires risking everything. A Pharisee looks at the law and wants to create more rules and a barbarian looks beyond the law to the heart of God and understands only the next step. THe Pharisee looks for explanations for everything and expects others to give very specific answers...the ones in his head. THe barbarian knows that questions are greater than answers and he cries out for more of the one giving the answers than the answers themselves...I want to be the barbarian and throw everything in to the ring with God but sometimes I am a Pharisee and I look for the answers and I hold back.

west70 said...

Tell me more about this "barbarian" idea. I would not have defined it with that term.