Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yet another embarrasing church experience

So, for Mother's Day we went to Steamboat to be with Mema. We decided to visit the Lutheran church up there since Mema and Grandpa had been talking about it but hadn't actually made it out there on a Sunday yet.

The church was sweet. Very friendly. We went to the later service, more contemporary. It was quite enjoyable but there was no nursery for that particular service so we had to keep Riesa in with us. I figured she'd be fine during the worship and then I'd proabably take her to the cry room during the service. The cry room was actually quite large, nice windows to the sanctuary and plenty of toys too.

After the sermon, I brought Riesa back to the sanctuary with everyone. She wasn't real loud but she was quite active.

It was during the announcements that she decided to really kick it into high gear. I was holding her, she was struggling for freedom. She had this determined look on her face and I was riding that fine line between keeping her quietly in my lap and her just loosing it right there. You know two year olds have no compunction about yelling any time they want.

Announcement time is pretty quiet. At one point I realized that she was trying to climb over the pew in front of us. Since nobody was sitting there I figured I would just let her go. She got one leg over and the look on her face went from determined-freedom-seeker to victorious-two-year-old. Then suddenly it changed to a very bright and excited look as she said "Ride neigh-neigh!" (Neigh-neigh means horse) Then she loudly exclaimed "NEIGH!!!"

She only got one "neigh" out before I grabbed her up in my arms and headed back to the cry room again. I wasn't so much embarrased actually as I was trying to stifle my laughter. Kind of funny.

1 comment:

Mema said...

I loved revisiting the joy of that wonderful day with you and your precious family. Thanks so much for coming. Love, Mema