Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ministry Again?

In my time with God this morning I thought it appropriate to spend time in Galatians since this is "Reformation Sunday".

No longer under the supervision of the law. Gal 3:25

I’m relating this to the supervision of a parent. Growing up in my house I knew that my parents would always provide what I needed. That’s what parents are supposed to do. I was under their supervision and they had to take care of me. Today I am on my own. Not that my parents aren’t available for advice or input, but they don’t live here. I’m the parent now.

There’s a comfort to the law like that of my parents provision for me. It’s safe. It’s predictable. Though I may not have had the freedom I have now I had the security of their covering. Without the law what will rein in my fleshy desires? Without the fear of punishment what prevents me from running wild?

But this morning as I read Galatians again I see that to operate under the law is to bastardize the purpose of the law. The law is supposed to lead me to Christ where I am then justified by faith. So why do I prefer the security of the law to the freedom of Christ? Why do I find myself wishing that God would just tell me what to do?

Currently I feel that God wants me to move off of the balcony and back into some kind of service. We help with IHN at our church and last night we helped a friend lead worship at his church. These are rewarding opportunities. Yet I can’t help but feel that God is calling me to something more. I don’t know what it might be and so far as I pray for God to tell me his answer seems to be “what do you want to do?”

And my response is still “I’m not sure”. I know that I don’t want several nights of the week taken up with meetings.

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Maybe it’s not as difficult as I make it. Maybe what we are doing right now is exactly what we are supposed to do. Perhaps the Spirit doesn’t reveal tomorrow’s plans until tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know God has been talking to me recently about tomorrow and worrying about it. Tomorrow will worry about itself. I keep giving the yes but reaction and God says yes but you are not paying attention to what I have for right now.