Sunday, May 2, 2010

Backroad Jesus

Most of my life is currently lived inside my town of Colorado Springs. I'm raising my girls here with my beautiful wife in our little house. I work here and interact with customers and colleagues for business here. We have many friends here after 10 years of living. We worship here and meet God here. Most of my travels consist of driving the city streets over and over. They are familiar and constant. I see the same fellow travelers on my commute; the same street people; the same kids waiting for school to start. I love this town and don't mind the familiarity of its streets, but I love the back roads even more.

The back roads up in the mountains are loaded with refreshment for my soul. The further you drive, the less traveled the roads are and the more refreshing the air is. There is mystery there. Old dirt roads that disappear into a canyon, their twin tracks through grassy meadows that have almost recovered from their use. It makes my mind think of covered wagons, trappers, hunters or pioneers from 150 years ago. My imagination starts to think about what life was like for them. I'm transported to another land, another time, and I become less trapped by my day to day life. On the back roads of life's journey is where I find Jesus too.

He's mysterious. He appears as I'm driving down a familiar road like twin tracks through the dense trees. Sometimes I ignore the invitation and think “I'll check out that road another time.” But I've learned that I'm rarely able to find that particular road again. So more and more I'm open to His invitation and take every opportunity to meet with Him. I've noticed that there are many other travelers who join me from time to time on the back roads.

So, I intend to document and journal some back road experiences with Jesus. I'll talk about fellow travelers, invitations, mysterious appearances and wonderful experiences of Christ along the journey. After all, He may not always appear in the same place or in the same way twice, but He's not difficult to find... “The heavens are LOUD with the Glory of God!”


Aidan Moon said...

We live on a back road. You'll need to make the trek one of these days. Who knows how you'd be met! ;) Great post.

west70 said...

Amen sister.